Monday, December 21, 2009

Etsy Shop Announcement

My Montessori Mama Etsy Shop is now closed. I want to thank all of you who have supported me with this project. Sometimes life can be overwhelming even for over achievers. My apologies to any of you who ordered items that you have not yet received, it is my intention to fill your orders and refund your money. Although I do not like receiving angry comments that question if I am a good person, I completely understand your frustrations with me.
That said, I have changed my comment moderation settings.
Again, my apologies to the two customers who have not yet gotten the Montessori Mama products they ordered. They will arrive before the new year.
Etsy still ROCKs, I adore it's home~made goodness and the opportunity it provided me to make connections with other crafty people.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Inspired by the wonderful and fabulous Maya Made, I put a Toddler spin on this Advent calendar idea and created individual baskets for hiding special treasures in. For a complete tutorial visit Maya Made. The pink strip of tape along the bottom is to cover the staples so little fingers won't get hurt. 
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I cut different color felt shapes and provided my toddler fav, GLITTER GLUE! Look out! These kiddos loved spreading the glue and all the choices (which pipe cleaner color, which shapes to stick on, where to put the glue etc.) For another fun paper towel roll idea visit here. Happy crafting to all.