Monday, November 5, 2007

Making Bird Feed

Materials needed:
  • basket of dried bread
  • small wooden hammer(play dough hammers work great)
  • plastic bag (sandwich size or recycle an old bread bag)
  • bowl
  • carpet square (to muffle hammering sound)
  • tray/or table top surface
The child takes a piece of dried bread and places it in the bag.
He/she hammers the bread into fine crumbs, then pours the crumbs into the bowl.
He/she continues this process until the bowl is filled with bread crumbs.
He/she then carries the bowl over to the bird feeder and empties it.
He/she returns the bowl to the tray, then sits back and watches the birds eat the feed.

  • to feed the birds
  • gross motor skill development
  • to feel helpful and good about providing food for animals
  • frustration release
The photo is of an egg carton bird feeder my middle son and I made this weekend. He has yet to make the bird feed mentioned here, I'll let you know how it goes. I like the idea of him making something with his own hands. It feels so good to create. ENJOY! The bird feed idea is from a book called: The Outdoor Classroom by Mary Boden, I highly recommend this book!


  1. We're going to give this a go. I couldn't find the book anywhere, have any leads as to where to purchase?

  2. Hi Suzanne,
    Here is all the info from the front cover of the book; it was purchased years ago at a conference. Good luck--thanks for your comment!~~MM
    Title: The Outdoor Classroom
    by Mary Boden
    Inquiries should be addressed to:
    Mary Boden
    1502 N. 52nd
    Omaha, Nebraska
    (402) 551-1440

  3. Thank you so much and I am enjoying your blog!

  4. What a sweet tip for feeding our feathered friends! If too many birds are attracted to your residence, check out bird removal new jersey
