Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How Did You Do It Mom?

Some days are easier than others. Tonight I'm feeling pretty tired and like I accomplished very little today. I am remembering being a little girl (yes, that's me in the Winnie the Pooh dress) and my mother painting beautiful pictures in the dinning room. I remember the Winston 100 cigarette between her fingers, the cup of coffee on the edge of the table, her faded blue jeans and long brown braids. If I close my eyes, I can see her swaying to a Neil Diamond song while scratching the canvas, laying a foundation for a new painting. And there I sat, usually under the dinning room table, with my coloring books and box of crayola crayons, watching and learning from her.

How did she do it? That's my question tonight. With a husband and 3 kids, a dog and a cat, and working nights as a nurse 3pm to 11am, how did she do it all AND paint such beautiful pictures??
I'll forever be in awe of my mother, my inspiration, the wind beneath my wings. I appreciate now, more than ever before, how difficult it must have been for her and I am amazed by her all over again.

I wish I had some pictures of her art to share with you all. But tonight all I could find was this photo of us. This is one of very few photos of my mom with her hair undone. She almost always wore her hair in two long braids or up in a bun. This must have been a special occasion, although I have no idea what. I still have those curls but my hair is no longer blond.

Anyway friends, I promise my next post will be Montessori related, I've been having a little camera troubles this week. I hope you all are taking care of the parent you are as well as those beautiful kids of yours! Tomorrow is Art & Play day!
I just love Thursdays.
PEACE to you,


  1. you are doing it too, you just don't see it objectively because you're in the beautifully challenging thick of it! XO

  2. this post made me cry!! as i stare at a blank canvas & wonder if i should even Be painting right now, then looking down at my little ones and realising, Yes, i should be, because that is who i am! along with a mama, a wife, a doula, a gardener... we can't deny who we Are.
