I want to take a moment and share that I have been trying desperately to leave messages on a few of the Mamas' blogs that I read frequently, but I have not been able to! I don't know if it's my computer or Blogger but I'm becoming frustrated by the whole process very quickly. Dial up stinks!
So, I thought I'd take a moment to share with you just five of the blogs I frequent (there are many many more I adore!) and this is why I LOVE them.
Chasing Cheerios:
This blog inspires and motivates me to create materials for my little one. The author is a mother to one beautiful toddler girl and posts regularly (some times many short posts in one day). Lovely photos of Montessori materials! A MUST see.
Little Monkey and Friends:
When I need to feel understood and want to giggle I visit Mama Monkey. It's like she can see inside my world and knows exactly how I'm feeling! She makes me laugh and loves her little monkeys so much. For sharing and venting and understanding visit Mama Monkey, you'll be so glad you did.
Modern Communities Mama:
My moment of Zen. I need to visit this Doula in training & Mama to two little boys every week. I read and re-read her poems and thoughtful entries and remind myself to slow down and appreciate the small but important moments in my life. I would be lost without her.
Unmitigated Bliss:
A fellow UU, environmentally conscious and artsy with a wonderful sense of humor! I check in daily and come away with nourishment for my soul, my belief in the power of positive thought renewed and with reminders promoting purposeful living. I lovingly refer to this blog as 'Bliss'.
The Sum of Mum:
Beautiful photography, heart warming entries, this blog reads like you are looking through a window into this incredible Mama's life. Having survived more loss than any Mama ever should; her writing reminds me how me blessed I have been and her honesty gives me courage.
Hang In There Baby Wear:
Mama J tells it like it is while sharing about her adventure in running her own baby carrier business and her first year of being a Mama. I'm hooked on her writing style and enjoy her so much. Little one and I have been trying out one of her wonderful carriers. I highly recommend this blog and her comfy carriers!
As I said, there are MANY more lovely blogs I would love to tell you about but time is passing quickly and I have many things to do. I think I will take time once a month to create a list of Blogs I love to visit and why. This is fun.
Many thanks to all of you who share your self with the world! I feel blessed to visit your blogs.
thank you for more love to look at! Yr one of my blogs I adore!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post! Thank you so much! I love your blog and it is one of my daily reads. Thanks, again!
ReplyDeleteDearest Amy, your beautiful blog is one of my favorites also, please know that. I don't know if you'll read this but I have been unable to leave any comments on your blog for some time, I see that other people can and do but mine won't process (I'm sure this is my computer's problem for sure) but while I have your attention. I loved the post for your husband's birthday and those awesome shadow puppets you made with your kids! I wanted to say that and so I just did. I hope you read this and other people check out your blog from your comment. Big hugs and peace to you and yours.
You are so freaking sweet. Thank you for your kind words. I meant it when I said that if you get me your address I would send you a small prize of my appreciation that I think you would enjoy. Now granted, I am not very punctual, especially during this heaving gardening time of year!
ReplyDeleteWow!! Thank you! I'm so glad you visit! The minute I log in I visit your blog and enjoy reading. I value the opportunity to peek into your Montessori world because I find it hard to achieve that in mine! (I've got one of those biter, pincher, screamer types - I know, he looks like an angel with those curls but.........) Through your creativity, you make me feel like I can manage and have fun. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a truly beautiful compliment--thank you!! You have some serious class, woman. You are such an inspiration--your message of peace has really resonated with me and I think of you whenever I feel overwhelmed with all of these projects that I'm pursuing. Your thoughts and wisdom have been a guiding force that has given me the confidence to take charge of Nico's education NOW instead of waiting until the point where I might have missed some important opportunities. His education is one of the factors that really keeps my engines revved up.
ReplyDeleteDo you know how I found your blog? By looking for other people who are Caroline Myss fans. How funny is that? :-) Have a beautiful, happy day--Julie
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ReplyDeleteohmigoodness! Thank you so much for the inclusion. What a lovely surprise, and coming from you, I am flattered. It's your site I rely on for creative and fun ideas, with a dose of wit.
Oh my gosh I have such a hard time leaving comments. You inspired me to try again cuz I miss the discussion aspect. Let's see if this works
ReplyDeleteOh wow-- my comment got through finally! I had pretty much given up. I usually don't read the comments section because of the frustration of not being able to participate. Now I see you must be a Carolyn Myss fan. ANyway love your blog and your art. I've used many of your good ideas in my own classroom.
ReplyDeleteIt's the first time I've come across a reference to Karin's site (Sum of Mum) through what I consider one of the "normal" parenting blogs on my reading list instead of one of the loss websites those of us with children who have died read, and for some reason I found that so incredibly hopeful and right and wonderful. It isn't often that parents living without some of our children feel like the rest of the world counts them as the essential parts of our families and parenting experience that they are. I was so happy you included her site and introduced it to others. Karin is an inspiration.