Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Soon it will be SUMMER!

I've been taking a break from blogging, spending more time outside and with my family. I'm experiencing a bit of writer's block as the school year comes to an end. Instead I will share what we've been up to around here.

Sand Box:
This Memorial Day weekend my husband and Little One filled our sand box. The black flies were out with force but still the two pressed on! The result a wonderful little spot for kiddos to play (although it is only 1/4 of the way full right now).

Rainy day fun:
Window paints! These nifty markers are fun for all ages but are they ever messy! Clean up was Little One's favorite part (he LOVES messy) but I will note* use paper towels* we used a wash cloth and it is now permanently stained.

Fabric Crayons:
LOVE these! I brought these to Art+Play and the children made beautiful drawings, then at home I used the iron to transfer their drawings to T-shirts.
The Cornerspring Annual Yard Sale!
A cloudy but warm day proved to be the perfect combination for yard sailing! People were out in droves looking for bargains and buying up almost all we had. I always like hanging out with the parents who come to help out and my co-teachers. It's rare we have an opportunity to socialize and it's fun. Yard sales are allot of work, of course, but the money raised helps our school and I usually come away with some very cool bargains! This year's #1 find: A brand new thermos still in it's original packaging! I am very happy.

And so there you have Memorial Day Weekend (a little late). I hope all of you are not feeling overwhelmed by end of the school year festivities and classroom wrap ups. I wish you the occasional moment to play in the sand with little ones.


  1. The sandpit - mine love it, if I had to recommend just one outdoor toy to anyone I would say definately get a sandpit, mine will spend ages just putting it in containers and pouring out

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend! Our sandpit is chronically "undersanded". One of these days...
