Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caps for Babies

Knit One Save One
Every winter I try and do something for our world's children. I mostly do this because I had a wonderful role model in my own mother and I long to be that for my children. I participate in this particular effort because of Save the Children. If you don't know about this amazing organization please visit their web page and introduce yourself.
To be part of 'Knit One Save One' on a large scale you can do the following:
Write up a brief letter to your school families and share with them what your goal is. Last time I did this I said my goal was to collect 100 caps; I ended up collecting 121 caps! Share with them your goal and how they can help. Do they knit? Would they like to learn? Visit your local yarn shop and ask them to hang up a poster for you with where to mail donations. Get your church congregation involved and spread the word to the older generation. Knitting a small infant cap takes no time at all for the seasoned knitter. Next, set a dead line (when you want the caps collected by) and remember to check in with people closer to the collection date so that they can have time to buy one if they have not yet started knitting.
Happy Knitting Everyone!
PS: FYI, I don't know how to knit. I just collect the caps and send them on their way. Every bit helps and I'm doing what I can. Someday though, I'd love to learn how to knit. Maybe this winter?
If you want to contribute a cap visit: Save the Children
or contact me directly at
Montessori Mama

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