Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Montessori Mama Where Have You Been?

Good question.
I've been very busy, I've been healing from a eye injury and I have AGAIN misplaced my camera.
I know what you're thinking...
"How can she repeatedly misplace a digital camera?"
For this question, I have no answer.
It's pathetic really. But I WILL find it.

So what have I been up to?

Taller Than Me went to his first prom. He's the one in gray. He had a blast.

Middle Man,
who took this photo on a recent hike,
is currently in a Wizard of Oz play for the local children's theater and I am helping with face painting (only three more shows to go!) He recently went to a Comic Book Convention and ever since has been drawing and creating. We have both been working on art projects and I have enjoyed his company greatly. Sometimes he and I are like oil and water, so connecting creatively is something I welcome.

And then there is Little One.
We are having him tested for an iron deficiency because he continues to EAT non-food items indicating possible PICA. Stephanie from the Poison Control Hotline and I are becoming fast friends. Most recently he swallowed the cap to a glue container! He also successfully passed it, I am most happy to report. I'm telling you, this child has given me a run for my money lately!

He is growing increasing jealous of the other children our class. It's very difficult. He doesn't like going to school because he has to share me. Every day he asks if it is a school day and jumps for joy if it is a weekend day. It makes me sad, even though I completely understand his perspective.

In the classroom most of my two year old students are now three (or about to turn three) and they are beginning to out-grow the classroom. I know this is right on schedule and this what I hoped would happen. It makes me feel assured that I have done my job to prepare them for the Primary classroom. But a part of me is feeling melancholy for days gone by. How quickly they grow! I will miss them more than words can express, honestly, there are just two more weeks of school, how can this be?!

PS: If you would like to read a review of my book When I Make Silence visit Chasing Cheerios when time allows you. The photo made my heart sing. If you would like to order a signed copy email me at
PEACE to all,


  1. It sounds like you're staying busy. First fun! The middle man is quite the photographer. I hope your eye is better soon and you figure out the little ones eating issues.

  2. I can relate to your feelings with your youngest. My boys went & still go with me to our MOntessori school. My middle son ...whoa!! had many a tantrums. It's such a blessing that you can take them with you ...but mixed, of course, when they don't love it. Well my middle son outgrew that phase & asks if he can return to our school. Hang in there!

  3. Prom already! They grow so fast. That is super cute that middle man is in the show. I wish I could get my kiddos on stage. I hope little one starts to feel better. Maybe during the summer things will relax for him. I am curious about the PICA. Hopefully you all will find a successful strategy for it.

  4. I hope to become a montessori teacher soon (currently studying). My daughter will be with me. I have to be prepare for some jealousy so!
