A wonderful Montessori teacher friend of mine, created this world map!
Isn't she talented? Wow! Using the world map mat by Montessori N' Such as a guide, she cut the continents from felt and glued them to the blue fabric using craft glue. She purchased the Continent & World Miniature Animal Set to complete this work.
Duplicating materials is not common practice but when the original material was being used by the Kindergarten program the teacher used her resourcefulness and made this one for her classroom.
Inspiring! I just had to share.
*Note: This work is used with small groups, it's purpose: identifying the world continents by name, and making discoveries about where different animals live on our globe.
oh, that is wonderful. I have been trying to come up with something similar in my mind, so its nice to see this :)
I have used so many of your ideas lately, thank you.
that is AWESOME
We are gonna make one too
i love it!!!
That's great! Thanks for more inspiration!
This is a great idea. My son's been fascinated with the planets lately, and we did some solar system projects. I wonder if he would understand the concept of continents located on one planet. Will give it a try!
M - just noticed your tag tonight. Will update my post accordingly. Thanks!
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