Here Little One cares for our solo classroom plant. (Before his arm mis-hap) The spray bottle is a favorite of his. A green thumb I am NOT; but having more than one plant to care for is I'm wondering, what types of plants do you have in your classroom/home that your children care for?
Another question:
Does anyone use a beginner reader series they would recommend?
On another topic, many thanks for all the emails and comments I received from folks lately! Sharing your stories of homesickness with me and sending me words of comfort, helped me remember I'm not alone. Thank you for your kindness.
We used the Bob books for our 4 year old and he just loves them. We are finishing up the last set right now and are on the lookout for something that is at his level and maturity. Hard to find for the early reading children!
We also use the Bob Books.
We take care of tons of houseplants and I would recommend pothos (also called Epipremnum) which always springs back if left unwatered too long and can survive in the shade; jade plant or snake plant which can survive very poor conditions (jade needs sun, snake doesn't care). Also a great winter plant activity is planting a paperwhite. We just did that and I am going to write a post on it soon.
Good Luck
We, too, are using the first level Bob books. My son seems to like it. We haven't pushed early reading on him, so as a 4 1/2-year-old, he was more than ready for this series. We're also working on the pre-K sight words (you can print these from the "flashcards" template in Microsoft Word.
Our Montessori used a series that started with Max. I am not sure if there is a more formal name, but my kids all did well with them. Unfortunately, I can't find a site that lists them. The only downside is some of the words used are in super commen - e.g. "gab".
We have lots of plants in our house: aloe, rubber tree, fern, ficus, etc. Typical house plants.
I like to let the children care for ivy plants, you just cannot kill them..LOL! And the McGuffey readers are wonderful, a bit old-fashioned but good:-)
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