Sorting key tags
After removing the metal key ring, I colored a different image on two groups of ten. One group: a blue star, the other: a pink flower. This nifty blue dish was a yard sale find, but I've seen them since at the Family Dollar Store. I think it's actually a condiment server.
This little girl has taken to doing works on her lap. She is very fond of the classroom's little blue couch and doesn't want anyone else to get her spot. The light was great so I took the photo. However, I am working with her to share the blue couch as well as giving gentle reminders about how/where we use the materials and why. But sometimes the best lesson is in the experience; right after I took this photo, another child sat next to this little girl, accidentally knocking her 'lap' tray to the floor. All her hard sorting work fell to the floor. As I helped her clean up the key tags, I asked some wondering questions aloud:
"I wonder why your work fell?" "I wonder, if the tray had been on the floor on a work rug, would the tags have fallen?" "I wonder if your friend meant to knock your work or were they just sitting down?"
I have found through asking & answering these types of open ended wonder questions both the teacher and child care grow and learn together.
Two Little Black Birds (felt story)
I made these quick rhyming story props from felt, but you could just as easily use paper or objects if you had them. The toddlers LOVE this work.
"Fly away Jack." "Fly away Jill"....
Continent Bean Bag Map (with color matching dots added) and a basket with top (found by Paula~thank you Paula) for the animals to be stored in. This work is used EVERY day. I'm so happy they like it.
I get by with a little help from my friends.
Zipper Expert and "big girl" at three years old, helps out her younger friend with his coat zipper.
I like to call this one, "Watch and Learn".
;) Accidentally caught on film, this photo makes me smile!
PEACE to all,
Happy Wednesday everybody.
Only, one more day until Mother's Day Tea Toddler Style!
I LOVE the continent bean bag map. Did you make it? Do you have a pattern? I would love one!
Thanks for the tip about "I wonder..." I bet that will help when my girls get into those places.
Love the felt story. How sweet!
I was wondering if you would/could ship to England? I would love your book for the peace table at school but it isn't available on Amazon UK or anywhere else.
I love your blog and often use your ideas or just enjoy a good read and some lovely pictures.
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