Please join me for a piece of pizza on ..................................
In the classroom we've been pretending with a velcro pizza set (I happened upon at Toy R Us, I think).
We will be making REAL pizzas for the pizza picnic, so this is wonderful practice. :)
Yum ~ Yum Pizza is Fun!!!
Lately in the classroom we've been singing:
(to the tune of Row-Row-Row Your Boat)
Roll, roll, roll your dough
and toss it in the air,
pepperoni, cheese and sauce
Pizza we can share!
Another fun idea:
Pizza is a very easy first cooking projecting. If photographed, this process would make wonderful sequence cards....say I think I'll try that and post them later!
PEACE to all, I hope it is as beautiful where you are as it is here!
i JUST made english muffin pizzas with my class last week, and they thought it was wonderful, even though they're older than yours - kindergarten!
love your blog!
the weather is terrible here:: however your nice pizza post makes the morning bright!
Awesome!! Your such a inspiration!! Toddlers doing metal insets, You go Girl!
I saw an activity where the kids make eachother into pizzas (Felt "cheese", "pepperoni", etc.....).....along with Pete's A Pizza (book) fun!
A Pizza picninc sounds like the perfect way for toddlers to celebrate their dad's. I like your idea of sequencing cards to go with a pizza making activity.
Who doesn't love pizza? This activity is perfect for rainy days like today. Thanks for all your great ideas!
Really cool offers specially pizza offers are really cool i really like the offer
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