Sunday, December 7, 2008

And the Oscar Goes To...

Middle Man as 'Mole' from Wind in the Willows
I was so proud! At just ten years old, he landed a large role and pulled it off successfully. So many lines, scenes and too much make-up!!!
But today was the last performance and it is done!

How are those holiday crafts coming? I'm not doing so well...who has the time?! But I'm gonna keep trying. I haven't done any shopping so....I hope to share some creations in near-future posts. By the by, I recently had my one year blog-anniversary, one of you emailed me to let me know. How sweet! Apparently I haven't been paying attention...I thought I would list a few of my favorite post from the past 12 months for those of you new to my blog to read when time allows you.
Be Safe Be Gentle Be Kind
Cosmic Education
A Sense of Wonder
Creating a Center~Peace



  1. Oh my goodness, that picture is wonderful! How great that he was confident enough to undertake such a big role ;-)!

    I am making slow but steady progress on my handmade gifts. Fortunately, my husband does most of the store gift shopping.

  2. I am so excited about your son's performance. I wonder how soon time will pass when my little ones will be that big.

    Congratulations on your anniversary as well! I've enjoyed reading your blog.

  3. Congrats on your one year anniversary. I am an AMI primary teacher( working), and also taking the Infant/Toddler course so I look so forward to hearing and seeing your classroom and activities.
    Keep up the excellent work.
