Missing Montessori Papa....
I can't remember exactly when this photo was taken but as I have missed placed (I refuse to say LOST) my camera, I have no recent photos of my amazing husband. Also given the fact he's been away for almost a month...finishing his Montessori training...it would have been a challenge to actually capture him on film.
BUT tomorrow he returns and I am so happy!
You see, I haven't had much time to do much of anything besides take care of small and 'taller than me' people (and clean up after them) these many weeks Montessori Papa has been away.
And to be honest, I'm VERY tired. Especially of the house cleaning part. It's endless, as I am sure you can all relate. And this morning Middle Man accidentally kicked Little One in the head during a rough and tumble tickling session.
I have so many things I WANT to do, art work is calling me, unfinished pictures in various stages of gluing, then there are these two felt dolls I have been working on for months and they need faces! How horribly sad, dollies without faces are.
I HAVE written several new stories for my beginner reader book series but the images to accompany them are fading from my mind as more time passes from when they were written.
I realize I've been complaining allot lately, almost every post, and I apologize. That was not my intention for this blog. I have been fortunate to make some blog land friends all over this globe, and I feel blessed because having friends (even ones you've never met) makes all the difference in this life.
So, when my best friend returns tomorrow, I am sure I will blog less complaints and share more ideas. Thanks for hanging out with me, reading my rants and for your understanding.