Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cloud Conversation

I learned tonight that Sister Anthonita Porta died this afternoon. Tears of great loss fell as I started to type this. I wanted to write something profound and beautiful, something that would tell those of you who did not have the pleasure of meeting Sister Anthonita more about her. All I kept thinking was, Heaven now has one more angel, how very lucky we all are. Then I thought about Anthonita finally getting to meet Dr. Montessori; how happy she would be! I think their conversation would go something like this:

"It's very nice to finally meet you."
"And you as well."
"I've heard so many wonderful things about you."
"And You! Tell me a little about yourself."
"I was a teacher of teachers."
"So was I."
"I loved children."
"So did I."
"People told me, my smile could fill a room."
"People said that about me too. Welcome to Heaven Sister."
"Thank you Maria, say do you have any cigars? I've always wanted to try one."

Goodbye sweet Sister Anthonita you were loved by so many, you made us laugh and cry, sometimes in the very same moment. You were a wonder and an inspiration. I learned so much from being your student and I will never forget you.

Please read my past post: My Favorite List when time allows you.


Anonymous said...

I am soooo sad...thank you for the words...she touched so many in unspeakable ways. She was an angel on earth.---Paula

Gypsy said...

I have never heard of her before, but she sounds amazing and I love her descriptions of praise/reinforcement ... would love to know more about what you learned from her. I am so sorry that she has passed.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your wonderful words, I'd love to share them with our family. She was blessed with a purpose and fulfilled it to the fullest, now she is resting in Him and He is pleased.
- Bridget, neice of Sr. Anthonita

Sue said...

How sad for you but how wonderful that she touched so many lives.

Nina said...

What a beautiful post. She sounds like she was a wonderful woman.

robert said...

Just read that we are said to be one winged angels, only able to fly while embracing eachother.
Surely she will make many other lifes able to fly.

Would like also to invite you to visit my site for a minute. Please have a bright weekend.

Nancy said...

Hi, just stopped by via Robert's blog. I am so sorry for the loss of Sister Anthonita.

Anonymous said...

I, too, was very saddened when I heard of her death. I was one of her students back in the early 1970's when she first started the Montessori Children's House. She was my teacher for three years and I have so many happy memories of that time in her classroom. My children have now gone through that same classroom (with different teachers, of course). We would often run into her and she always had kind words for us and always remembered me. I also had the chance to see her speak a couple of years ago and truly count it as a blessing.

Anonymous said...

She was my teacher at The Northeast Montessori Institute eight years ago... When I was in a "pickle" in the classroom with a child, I would just ask myself "WWSAD? - What Would Sister Anthonita Do?" and the answer I imagined she gave always got me through! She is a part of who I am. Thank you, Sister, for everything.

Where in the World?


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