Yesterday I participated in a workshop for early childhood educators and was given this beautiful book. [Thank you Born to Read!] Interestingly I was going to buy this book for my classroom.
If you haven't read it I highly recommend it. For the illustrations alone! It's so bright and beautiful. At the workshop we grouped together and came up with ideas about how to use this book children 3 to 6 years old.
Here are some of the ideas we came up with:
Remaking the title page (or any other beautiful image in this book!) as a bulletin board or display in classroom. Written on the petals of the flowers, a quote from each child in the class, "If Peace is..."
The leader of the day chooses one page to share and tells why they picked that particular page.
On the very last page of the book it says that this book was inspired by the students of a particular school. Read this page and ask your students if they would like to create their own peace book.
Also while there I met a lovely woman named Anne who turned me on to The Hunger Site PLEASE visit this site and make a contribution to help our world's children.
PEACE to all of you and your beautiful children,
Montessori Mama
I love the range of ideas you came up with for working with this book. I will have to add it to my growing list...and remember to keep such a thoughtful mind about some of the other books we love at our house.
This book was in our Montessori classroom, too. I also really love it. Although, I really like your ideas and I think I will try to have Peace bullitan board at home!
PS. I know you are super busy, but have you given any more thought to your shop? I would love to buy a set of those (and I forgot what you call them) inspiration words. Maybe when things settle down at the school?
oooh... I havent seen this book before. We once did a "peace" bulletin at Christmas time in my old class. We did a "unit" on different cultures that wrapped up with peace. We put our quotes on doves. I love the petal idea... I think it will be beautiful. Our doves kinda ended up looking like a flock of seagulls (lol)
Dear Plaidshoes and anyone else who would like to order a set of Affirmation cards or one of my prints:
Please see past posts for details or email me directly at
for a price list. My Etsy shop is not cooperating!!!
I would be happy to send you a set for your classroom!
Montessori Mama
Thanks for the tip on this book. We are always looking for new stories to add to our library and this looks like a winner.
My three-year-old triplets are starting Montessori next week and I am so excited. As are they, but not nearly as excited as me!
I love this book and it has a happy place here at home and in both of my girls' Montessori classrooms! :)
One of the things that has been saddest for me as my son has hit the tweener years is his leaving behind of picture books. We spent so many beautiful moments with such books throughout hsi childhood, but now he wants to read his own chapter books before bed and throughout the day. It's great that he loves to read, but I miss the picture books, too!
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