We're off to a great start. My assistant Mallory and I are in sync. I couldn't be happier. She's sweet and smart and obviously wants to learn more about the why and how come of the Montessori way.
And I love it when she calls Little One, "Ollie", like they've always been chums. He adores her and I couldn't be happier...did I already say that?
Here's hoping you and your co-teacher/assistant or spouse, are getting off on the right foot and enjoying one another as you begin this school year together.
There are so many joys in this work; sharing them with someone who is looking in the same direction as you is such a helpful added piece that makes the bumps in the road easier.
Phase in is a wonderful thing. With fewer kids it is an opportunity to get to know each one of them (and their parents) and to have the afternoon for conversations with your co-teachers. A time to share observations and connections made.
Little One has successfully napped at school these past few days! Say a prayer he will continue to when other small people are trying to do the same thing.
How is school going for YOU?
Montessori Mama
I have been a wreck, my son started Kindergarten and has cried at seperation everyday. I wanted to homeschool, he has been home for 5 years with montessori teaching by myself. He did not want to be homeschooled, he "just wanted me to be his mommy". Now I feel an internal push and pull. Am I doing the right thing?
shannon's at havingandholding.blogspot.com - I couldn't get it to work for some reason.
Great Blog! I can't wait to hear how your school year is going to go! :)
Dear Shannon,
I'm sorry to hear your son has cried everyday, that's rough on you both for sure. I'm curious if you have had an opportunity to make a connection with his teacher? Has she been able to tell you how he moves on with his day? What's working what's not?
You can always email me personally at spirals@gwi.net
If you are doing the 'right thing' is hard for me to determine; only you and your husband can truly know what is the right thing for your kiddo. I would be happy to help you though. Hang in there sweetie. Give him lots of love (as I am sure you are already doing) and opportunities to talk, problem solve and assure him that you are confident it will get better. It's not uncommon for children to take anywhere from 4 days to 4 weeks to transition to a new school. I realize that doesn't make today any easier. Talk with his teacher and find out what she/he is doing to help your son transition, set some goals and stay in communication with her/him.
I hope it improves quickly and this trying time is soon a memory. How blessed he has been to have you these past five years. Wow!
I think you meant to say that you and your assistant are "in SYNC" not "in SINK". I hope you're not in the kitchen sink! :)
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