Building the nest continued...
This is a summer I am sure to remember fondly, for a variety of reasons, but most importantly because this is the summer I am setting up our Montessori school's toddler environment...from scratch! Please know I love to bake "from scratch" I love to craft "from scratch" and what I am discovering is although I am LOVING building this nest from scratch, explaining my vision to others is a challenge.
I can imagine how it may be difficult for some parents to sign their child up for our toddler program, sight unseen. And so I thought I would share my visions with all of you. I look forward to feed back and encouragement and questions if you have any. Feel free to email me at
If you are a parent of a toddler soon to enter into our toddler program at the Montessori school this post is specifically directed to you. If you are a visitor to this blog and find anything at all useful in this post I am very happy to share with all of you and thank you for reading!
"What will my toddler's day be like?"
I'm not always sure how to field this question because every child is different and what one is drawn to is different for each one of them. So every child is going to give and receive something different than every other child in the group. Without having had an opportunity to observe your children, I have yet to discover what will become interesting to your child; however based on my 16 years of experience and formal education in child development, Montessori and early childhood education I am hoping I will create an environment in which your children and you will find the following:
Many, MANY sensorial experiences!
As you know our toddlers are sensorial learners, our classroom will be designed with this in mind. Prepare for picking up MESSY but happy children.
a quiet space to cuddle up with a board book or stuffed toy
climbing opportunities, rolling opportunities....large motor development supportive materials (tunnels, hula hoops, balls etc.)
Musical instruments!
Singing and dancing EVERY day.
Language nurturing activities such as animated story telling, puppet play, listening games and opportunities to make silence as well as noise.
Opportunities for your child to develop Care of Self Skills such as hanging up his or her own coat, washing hands, blowing one's nose...
Toys! Play things designed for toddler learning and MORE than one of exciting items as we learn how to share.
Mirrors and hats, smocks and paint, blocks and nesting containers and so much more!
Every day your children will go out doors and move at their own pace about the play yard; climbing apparatus and a large sand box are provided. Ride on toys and balls to run and kick with too. Plants and materials to build with and create new things from will be provided seasonally also.
There is a both a start and a finish to your child's time at school, at the school we believe in community building and peaceful conflict resolution. Visiting the Nest, your toddler will be provided with opportunities to grow and learn, to try new things and make discoveries. They will be encouraged to use language to communicate and their hands for helping.
It is our goal that they will feel welcome, important, safe and loved while at school. Our presence is to assure safety and provide support for their learning. We teachers will nurture their independence and help them to identify their feelings, the feelings of the other children in the group and for them to slowly gain control of their bodies and voices. We will provide a space full of positive learning experiences, opportunities for social growth with a focus on your toddlers as sensorial learners.
My family who had been out and about while I was typing this have returned. Now three boys and their Papa (home for the weekend from his Montessori training) fill our tiny house with noise and commotion. I can no longer concentrate. Perhaps this post will be continued yet again....
PEACE to all of you!
Enjoy your family
Montessori Mama
Loving these posts:-) Can you come live near me and open such a school..LOLO!
i wish i could sign desi up tomorrow!
Hi, Jennifer!
Would you please tell me what kind of wooden blocks do you use with Little One?
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