I know transitions can be trying. I think all parents and teachers know this. But sometimes I forget it. School has ended, and summer has begun...so too have my 'Middle Man's' transition woes. Today is the first day of summer camp at Cornerspring! I am hopeful all will go well; yet I worry this additional transition might result in total melt down come bed time.
Sunday morning by 7:30am I needed to take the two younger boys OUT of the house. Dad was sleeping (after working the night shift) and 'Taller Than Me' was too.
Thing one and Thing Two however, were bouncing off the walls, having eaten b'fast and gotten dressed by 6:15am! (YES! You read that correctly) Both boys were ready to go somewhere. Now please understand something, we live in the woods.
A beautiful forest actually, and truly and there are more than enough wonderful stimulating things surrounding this tiny house in the woods, for two small boys to have fun for HOURS.
But NO, this is not what was to happen. 'Middle Man' was outside maybe 3 minutes and returned frustrated with the 'BUGS'. I looked out the window and saw 'Little One' happy and filling his wagon with sticks...but I had hoped my ten year old could look after my two year old while I finished my cup of tea and watched them from the sofa in front of the bay window. But NO, apparently not.
So...because we are blessed to live on the coast, I piled them into the car and drove to the beach. It was low tide!
(The above photo was taken last year not yesterday morning because to have brought my camera would have required more thought than I had at that moment. Also the above photo is not of the beach we visited but I really loved the sunlight)
"LOW"and "TIDE" are a coastal Mama's two favorite words at 7:30 in the morning. I sat down in the sand with my newspaper and my now cold mug of tea...
Thing One and Thing Two EXPLORED.
It was lovely. 'Little One' could have stayed for hours...
'Middle Man' had to use the bathroom about 15 minutes into our coastal escape. Then he cut his finger on a rock(?) I'm still not exactly sure how it happened but thankfully it was a small injury. Small but in need of a hug and a band aid.
We got back into the car. Home again jigity jog...
This was the daily calendar's picture:

It had been a FULL morning and all BEFORE 9am.
Every time I think it is difficult to be 'Middle Man's' Mom I remind myself how difficult it must be to be 'Middle Man'. Especially during transition times.
Thanks for reading this...
That is such a wise and insightful post. I, too, am mom to a "spirited" one who is often disgruntled by life. It is a very good reminder. Thanks for your thoughtful posts.
Dear Laura,
Thank you! Some days are harder than others, as you know. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
In PEACE to you and your beautiful wonderful, spirited child!
sounds gloriously splendid!
We too are a coastal family and nothing is as wonderful as low tide with little ones. Love your blog
I so wish we lived near water (I would even settle for a big lake!). That is a full day before 9am - but it sounds like you did just the right thing.
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